More Wine Please

I’m finished the Mod Pop top and I’ve renamed it More Wine Please.  I love it.  I’ve not worked with a colour palette like this before, with plums and pinks and burgundies, but they work together so nicely.

Mod Pop/More Wine Please: all done!

I went through the Flickr pool for the QAL to try and come up with an idea for how to quilt it. I ended up stippling all the darker areas and leaving the light section completely unquilted. I had originally planned to do echo quilting along the light curves, but when I was done the stippling, I decided that I liked it just the way it was.

Mod Pop QAL 9

Mod Pop QAL 10

Mod Pop QAL 11

And I finished it well before the Feb. 17 QAL deadline! I took one last picture in the crutch of my elm tree. The tree is already starting to bud a little bit, and it’s only mid-February. Unbelievable! The grass is also getting a slight hint of green. I hope it survives the blast of winter that we always inevitably get in late February/early March around here. We always seem to get the worst snowstorms that time of year.

Mod Pop/More Wine Please: all done!


Since it’s Wednesday, I’m linking up to the Needle and Thread Network.  Even though this is no longer in progress and is now totally done.  Yay!

WIP Wednesday

It’s been a long time since I linked up a WIP Wednesday post.  It’s not that I haven’t been sewing, it’s that Wednesdays seems to have become non-blogging days for some reason.  I am still working through the list of UFOs that I posted last year.  Two of them are finished: Deco Shimmer and the community quilt.  I’m nearly finished another one.

Mod Pop QAL 6

I basted the Mod Pop top that I finished last year. Leanne of She Can Quilt, who is hosting this QAL, has set a the final completion date: February 17. So I moved this quilt to the top of the list so that I would finish it next. I found some fabrics in my stash, quickly pieced a backing, and got it basted. Then I started quilting it. I’m stippling just in the plum-coloured areas and then doing something else (yet to be determined) in the white sections. It was going great, and then I turned it over.

Mod Pop QAL 7

Some of the excess batting around the edge had somehow gotten caught under the needle, so I had to do some picking and then re-quilt that area. It took less time than I thought, and I’m about halfway done the stippling now. I’ve had meetings and guests the last few nights, so hopefully I can finish it off tonight, since my schedule is clear.

I’m linking up to WIP Wednesday at the Needle and Thread Network.  It’s been awhile, so I have to go catch up on what everyone else has been up to.

My first bee block

So I’m in a bee now.  That seems odd to type since my first thought at the word bee is that little buzzing insect that makes honey, and I’m definitely not in one of those.  If that would be the case, giant bees would probably have taken over my city, and you would be reading about that on the news, hoping the giant, quilter-swallowing bees don’t come for your city.

Hey, look at that!  I got sidetracked!  Back to the point, I’ve joined a quilting bee, and have completed my first block.  Jaclyn asked us to make Converging Corners blocks using this tutorial.  She sent us the Kona Snow to use as the background, and we used our stash for the accents.  The blocks finish at 12.5″.  I mailed it last week, so hopefully she’ll get it soon.

SS Bee Jan

I also worked on my Urban Nine Patch blocks. I made three more, but only have pictures of two of them. They are coming along nicely, and are a good thing to work on when I’ve only got a little bit of time to sew, since all the pieces are pre-cut.

U9P 8

I’ve also started quilting Mod Pop (which will probably get renamed one of these days) and hope to have it finished by the weekend.  Yay for progress!