Alberta Clipper

More than three years ago, I was in a bee, the Simply Solids Bee. We used only solids in the blocks we made for each other. The block I chose was one that I designed myself. I named it Alberta Triangles, and the tutorial can be found here.  Be warned, those pictures are not the greatest, but they get the point across.

I got the top together relatively quickly. The tutorial went up in April 2013, and the top was done by August of that same year. You can read about how the top went together here. It is one of the most popular quilts that I’ve ever made. People love the saturation of it, and the joyous, in your face colour. I confess that it’s one of my personal favourites as well. So why did it take me so long to finish it? I have no good answer, other than the excuse that basting totally sucks.

Alberta Clipper

But she is finally done, in all her gloriousness! You can’t really see the quilting in these pictures, but I did straight lines angling toward the centre, turning a 90 degree corner, and then coming back out again. I backed it with an old IKEA duvet cover. I took these pictures in the coulee in Lethbridge, Alberta, where I live. I went down to my favourite of all the coulee parks, husband in tow, and took pictures in the amazing evening light. Because it’s June and it stays light so late, these were taken at about 9pm. I didn’t even filter this picture. The light was so amazing.

Quilts on a fence

I took pictures of all the quilts on the fence here, so I should have a whole bunch of blog fodder. No more “I have no pictures” excuses! I like this picture so much that I made it my new blog header. Quilts in the coulees. A wonderful match.

Alberta Clipper

The light was fading and my shadow was long, but I’m glad I kept shooting. This light and this quilt are a perfect combination. Alberta Clipper in the Lethbridge Coulees. Even though the journey was long, this is a fitting end.

7 thoughts on “Alberta Clipper

  1. Your coulees look very much like the geology around here in the Palouse country (to your southwest). Love the bright colors in the quilt too. Will be looking forward to seeing the others you have on the fence. Good job.


  2. I am ever so glad to have found your blog. There is no where in the world that is quite so beautiful as Lethbridge. Except maybe Waterton. Or Nanton. Or Pincher Creek. I’m from Edmonton, but my heart will always be in the foothills and coulees of Southern Alberta. I follow quite a few sewing and quilting blogs, but Canadian ones, let alone Albertan ones, are few and far between. Blog on, Alberta sister!!!!


    • Thanks very much for your comment. 🙂 I don’t actually blog very much at all anymore, but I’m active on Instagram. If you are on that platform, you can find me at applepiepatchwork. I hope we are able to connect there.

      On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 8:46 AM, Apple Pie Patchwork wrote:



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